Propulsion Calculator

Nozzle divergence angle Calculator

The formula for calculating the divergence angle of a nozzle depends on the specific type of nozzle being used. For a convergent-divergent (CD) nozzle, which is commonly used in rocket propulsion, the divergence angle can be calculated using the following formula: Where: θd​ is the divergence angle, Me​ is the exit Mach number of the

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Leading-edge slats Calculator

The formula for leading-edge slats is typically based on aerodynamic principles and specific aircraft design requirements. It involves factors such as airfoil shape, wing geometry, desired lift characteristics, and operational considerations. Where: ΔCLmax​​ is the increase in maximum lift coefficient. k is a coefficient representing the effectiveness of the slat system. Sslat​ is the area

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High-lift devices Calculator

High-lift devices are aerodynamic mechanisms or surfaces installed on aircraft wings to enhance lift during takeoff and landing phases. These devices modify the wing’s geometry temporarily to increase the wing area, change its camber, or both, thereby allowing the aircraft to generate more lift at lower speeds. Where: The lift coefficient of the aircraft without

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laminar boundary layer Calculator

A laminar boundary layer is a thin region of fluid flow that develops adjacent to a solid surface, typically in the presence of low to moderate flow velocities. In this layer, fluid particles move smoothly and parallel to the surface, with minimal mixing between adjacent layers. Laminar boundary layers are characterized by orderly fluid motion

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Boundary layer control Calculator

The boundary layer control formula typically involves parameters such as velocity, viscosity, and boundary layer thickness. One common formula used in boundary layer control is the Blasius equation, which describes the velocity profile in a laminar boundary layer over a flat plate. It is: Where: u(y) is the velocity at distance y from the plate,

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Winglet optimization Calculator

Winglet optimization involves complex aerodynamic analyses and simulations, and there isn’t a single formula for it. However, some key parameters to consider include winglet height, angle, and shape, which are optimized based on factors like desired performance improvements and aircraft mission profiles. where: b is the wingspan of the aircraft, CL,wing​ is the coefficient of

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Lift coefficient Calculator

Lift coefficient Calculator a fundamental concept in aerodynamics, quantifies the lift generated by an airfoil or any other body moving through a fluid. It serves as a crucial parameter for understanding and analyzing the performance of aircraft, wings, and various aerodynamic structures. the lift coefficient is directly related to the lift force generated by an

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Supersonic flow Calculator

The formula for supersonic flow is complex and depends on various factors such as Mach number, specific heat ratio, temperature, and pressure ratios. To calculate supersonic flow properties, including Mach number, you may need to use equations specific to the particular scenario. Where: γ is the specific heat ratio, R is the specific gas constant,

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