Chord length of an aircraft wing calculator

The distance between the leading and trailing edge of the wing, measured parallel to the normal airflow over the wing, is known as the chord.

  • c: This typically represents the chord length of an aircraft wing. The chord length is the distance between the leading edge and the trailing edge of an airfoil (wing cross-section) and is an important parameter in aerodynamics.
  • cr: This could represent the root chord, which is the chord length at the wing’s root or base. The root chord is usually the widest chord on the wing.
  • ct: This could represent the tip chord, which is the chord length at the wing’s tip. The tip chord is typically narrower than the root chord.
  • y: This variable is likely representing the distance along the wing’s span from the root to a particular point. It’s a measure of how far you are from the wing’s root along its length.
  • b: This typically represents the wingspan of the aircraft. It’s the distance from one wingtip to the other.

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