Rate Of Roll Calculator

The “rate of roll” in aircraft design and aviation refers to the angular rate at which an aircraft rotates about its longitudinal axis (the axis that runs from the nose to the tail). It measures how quickly an aircraft can change its bank angle (tilt) during a roll maneuver, such as initiating a turn. The rate of roll is typically expressed in degrees per second (°/s) or radians per second (rad/s).

The formula for calculating the rate of roll ( is as follows:

  • Rate of Roll (Ë™): Radians per Second (rad/s).
  • Rolling Moment (): Newton-Meters (N·m) or Foot-Pounds (ft·lb).
  • Moment of Inertia (): Kilogram-Meters Squared (kg·m²) or Slug-Feet Squared (slug·ft²).

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