Velocity Calculator

Velocity in the context of aircraft design refers to the speed at which an aircraft is moving through the air. It is a fundamental parameter used to describe an aircraft’s performance and is crucial for various aspects of flight, including takeoff, cruising, and landing.

Velocity Formula: Velocity (V) is typically represented as a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude (speed) and direction. In aircraft design, the magnitude of velocity is often referred to as “airspeed” and is represented by the letter “V.” The formula for velocity in aircraft design is as follows:

  1. Speed (S): Speed represents the magnitude of velocity and is typically measured in units such as meters per second (m/s), kilometers per hour (km/h), or knots (nautical miles per hour, commonly used in aviation).
  2. Direction (D): Direction represents the aircraft’s heading or the angle at which it is traveling relative to a reference point, often measured in degrees.

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