Volume Based Oxidizer-To-Fuel Ratio Calculator

The oxidizer-to-fuel ratio (O/F ratio), also known as the oxygen-to-fuel ratio in some contexts, is a crucial parameter in combustion and propulsion systems. It represents the ratio of the amount of oxidizer (often oxygen or another oxygen-containing compound) to the amount of fuel (the substance that undergoes combustion) used in a combustion process. The O/F ratio is typically used to describe the stoichiometry of a chemical reaction and is an essential factor in determining the efficiency and performance of combustion processes and rocket engines.

This is the ratio of the volume of oxidizer (V_ox) to the volume of fuel (V_fuel). To calculate it, you’ll need the densities of the oxidizer and fuel:



  • Vox/Vfuel is the Volume based Oxidizer to fuel ratio
  • ρox is the desity of oxidizer
  • ρfuel is the density of fuel

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