September 2023

Pitch moment due to the rate of pitch calculator

The pitch moment due to the rate of pitch, often denoted as “Mq” in flight mechanics and aircraft dynamics, refers to the rotational force or moment around the aircraft’s lateral (pitch) axis resulting from changes in the rate of pitch (q). Mq: This represents the pitch moment due to the rate of pitch (angular velocity […]

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Rolling moment due to the rate of roll calculator

Rolling Moment (Mw or Lp): The rolling moment is the moment or torque that tends to roll the aircraft about its longitudinal axis. It is a result of aerodynamic forces acting on the aircraft’s wings when the roll rate (p) changes. The rolling moment can cause the aircraft to start rolling or, if it’s already

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Roll acceleration calculator

Roll acceleration, in the context of flight mechanics and aircraft dynamics, refers to the rate of change of an aircraft’s roll rate with respect to time. It quantifies how quickly an aircraft is accelerating or decelerating in its rolling motion about its longitudinal axis. Mu: This represents the roll acceleration of the aircraft. Roll acceleration

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Yawing moment coefficient due to the rate of yaw (r) and sideslip angle (β) calculator

Yawing Moment (CYrv): The yawing moment refers to the rotational force around the vertical axis of an aircraft that tends to cause the aircraft to yaw, or turn, about this axis. Yawing is the motion of the aircraft where its nose moves from side to side. The yawing moment is a crucial parameter in determining

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Prandtl-Glauert compressibility correction factor calculator

The Prandtl-Glauert compressibility correction factor, often denoted as “B,” is a correction factor used in the field of flight mechanics and aerodynamics to account for the effects of compressibility on the lift and drag coefficients of an airfoil or wing. This correction factor is primarily applicable to speeds near and just below the speed of

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The change in the aircraft’s pitching moment coefficient (Cm) due to the deflection of the control surface calculator

The change in the aircraft’s pitching moment coefficient (Cm) due to the deflection of a control surface, often denoted as Cmδe, represents how the aircraft’s pitching moment (nose-up or nose-down tendency) changes when a specific control surface, such as an elevator or stabilator, is deflected. In flight mechanics and aircraft stability and control analysis, this

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The total change in the aircraft’s pitching moment coefficient (Cmc) due to variations in the tail lift coefficient calculator

The total change in the aircraft’s pitching moment coefficient (Cmc) due to variations in the tail lift coefficient (CLt) in the context of flight mechanics refers to how the aircraft’s pitching moment changes when the lift produced by the horizontal tail is altered. This relationship is crucial in understanding how changes in the horizontal tail’s

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Horizontal tail volume coefficient calculator

In flight mechanics and aircraft design, the horizontal tail volume coefficient (Vh) is a dimensionless parameter that quantifies the effectiveness of the horizontal tail (often the horizontal stabilizer or tailplane) in controlling the aircraft’s pitch stability. It is an important factor in assessing the aircraft’s overall stability and control characteristics, specifically in terms of its

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Change in the aircraft’s pitching moment coefficient (Cmc) due to a shift in the center of gravity (CG) calculator

In flight mechanics and aircraft dynamics, the change in the aircraft’s pitching moment coefficient (Cmc) due to a shift in the center of gravity (CG) refers to how the aircraft’s longitudinal stability is affected when the position of its center of gravity is moved forward or backward along the longitudinal axis. Cmacw: This is the

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