February 2024

Propellant utilization Calculator

Propellant utilization involves efficiently using the propellant (fuel and oxidizer) of a rocket to achieve a specific mission objective, typically delivering a payload to a desired destination. Where: Propellant utilization (PU) expresses the efficiency of propellant usage as a percentage. mpayload The mass of the payload (the payload carried by the rocket) constitutes mpropellant​ is […]

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Prandtl-Glauert factor (P) Calculator

The Prandtl-Glauert factor (P) is a correction used in aerodynamics to analyze lift and drag characteristics of an airfoil at high subsonic speeds, addressing compressibility effects as the aircraft nears the speed of sound. It corrects lift and drag coefficients calculated under incompressible flow assumptions, ensuring more accurate results at elevated subsonic speeds. The Prandtl-Glauert

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Lift From Prandtl’s Lifting-Line Theory Calculator

Lift is the force generated by an airfoil (such as a wing) as it moves through a fluid (typically air). Lift is generated by the pressure difference between the upper and lower surfaces of an airfoil. Prandtl’s Lifting-Line Theory explains the lift distribution along a finite wing, incorporating the impact of circulation. It is especially

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Excess Power Required For Climbing Calculator

Excess power in aviation refers to the surplus or extra power available to an aircraft’s engines beyond what is required to maintain straight and level flight. Positive excess power indicates the ability to climb, while negative excess power suggests an inability to climb at the given conditions. The formula to calculate Excess power required for

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Thrust chamber cooling Calculator

Thrust chamber cooling refers to the process of managing and dissipating the immense heat generated within the combustion chamber of a rocket engine during operation. Where: Q˙​regen​ is the rate of heat transfer per unit length of the chamber. Tchamber​ is the temperature of the combustion chamber wall. Tcoolant,in​ is the temperature of the coolant

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