Total Drag Calculator

Total drag in aerodynamics is the sum of various drag components that act on an aircraft as it moves through the air. The total drag can be broken down into two main types: parasite drag and induced drag.

  1. Parasite Drag:
    • Form Drag: Arises due to the shape and frontal area of the aircraft as it moves through the air.
    • Skin Friction Drag: Results from the friction of air molecules along the aircraft’s surfaces.
  2. Induced Drag:
    • Associated with the lift generated by the wings and is dependent on the angle of attack and lift coefficient.

The formula to Calculate Total drag as follows:


  • : Parasite drag (N)
  • Dinduced: Induced drag (N)
  • : Air density (Kg/m3)
  • : Airspeed (m/s)
  • : Wing area (m2)
  • : Coefficient of drag 
  • : Coefficient of lift 
  • : Oswald efficiency factor 


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