Engine Fuel Consumption Rate Calculator 

Engine Fuel Consumption Rate in aircraft design represents the rate at which an aircraft’s engines consume fuel to produce thrust or power. It’s an essential parameter for performance analysis, flight planning, and operational considerations. The formula and definition for Engine Fuel Consumption Rate are as follows:

Engine Fuel Consumption Rate: This parameter signifies the quantity of fuel consumed by one engine of an aircraft per unit of time. It is typically measured in liters per hour (L/h) or gallons per hour (gal/h).The formula for calculating Engine Fuel Consumption Rate is as follows:

  • Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC): SFC represents the amount of fuel required by the engine to produce a unit of thrust or power. It is typically expressed in units like kilograms per hour per kilonewton (kg/h/kN) for metric units or pounds per hour per pound-force (lb/h/lbf) for imperial units. SFC varies with engine type, thrust settings, altitude, airspeed, and other factors.
  • Engine Power Output: This is the power generated by the engine, often expressed in kilowatts (kW) or horsepower (hp), depending on the measurement system.

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