Author name: Bhagiya Prasad

Induced angle of attack for elliptic lift distribution Calculator

The induced angle of attack (αi​) for an elliptic lift distribution is derived based on the lift distribution of an elliptically loaded wing. The elliptic lift distribution is a theoretical idealization commonly used in aerodynamics for its desirable characteristics. It’s a distribution where the lift generated by each spanwise station is proportional to the local […]

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Induced drag per unit span when the induced angle of attack is small Calculator

Induced drag per unit span refers to the amount of induced drag generated by an airfoil section located at an arbitrary spanwise station, normalized by the wing’s span. Induced drag is a type of drag that is associated with the generation of lift by an aircraft’s wings. It occurs due to the creation of wingtip

Induced drag per unit span when the induced angle of attack is small Calculator Read More »

Lift per unit span at arbitrary spanwise station Calculation

Lift per unit span at an arbitrary spanwise station, often denoted as L′(y0​), refers to the lift generated by an airfoil section located at that specific spanwise position, normalized by the wing’s span. It provides insight into the distribution of lift along the wing’s span and is an essential parameter in aerodynamics. L′(y0​): Lift per

Lift per unit span at arbitrary spanwise station Calculation Read More »

Effective angle of attack for an airfoil section located at an arbitrary spanwise station Calculator

The effective angle of attack is an important concept in aerodynamics that takes into account the combined effects of the actual angle of attack and the downwash induced by neighboring flow features, such as wingtip vortices or other airfoil sections. In a simplified explanation, the effective angle of attack represents the angle at which the

Effective angle of attack for an airfoil section located at an arbitrary spanwise station Calculator Read More »

Lift coefficient for arbitrary spanwise station Calculator

Lift coefficient for the local airfoil section at the spanwise station. It is a dimensionless quantity representing the lift generated by the section normalized by dynamic pressure and reference area.  Cl​: Lift coefficient for the local airfoil section at the spanwise station. It is a dimensionless quantity representing the lift generated by the section normalized

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Lift per unit span where circulation is at the arbitrary spanwise station Calculator

Lift per unit span (also known as lift coefficient per unit span) is a measure of the lift generated by an airfoil section at an arbitrary spanwise station, normalized by the wing’s span. It’s an important aerodynamic parameter that helps characterize the distribution of lift along the wing’s span.  L′: Lift per unit span, representing

Lift per unit span where circulation is at the arbitrary spanwise station Calculator Read More »

Lift per unit span for the local airfoil section located at arbitrary spanwise station Calculator

Lift per unit span, often denoted as L’ refers to the amount of lift generated by a local airfoil section located at an arbitrary spanwise station, normalized by the wing’s span. It is a measure used in aerodynamics to understand and analyze the distribution of lift along the span of an aircraft’s wing. L′: Lift per

Lift per unit span for the local airfoil section located at arbitrary spanwise station Calculator Read More »

Lift coefficient for the airfoil section located at arbitrary spanwise station with thin airfoil theoretical value Calculator

The lift coefficient (Cl) for an airfoil section located at an arbitrary spanwise station represents the dimensionless measure of the lift generated by that specific section of the airfoil. It quantifies the relationship between the lift force produced by the airfoil section and the dynamic pressure of the incoming airflow.  Cl: Lift coefficient for the

Lift coefficient for the airfoil section located at arbitrary spanwise station with thin airfoil theoretical value Calculator Read More »

Lift coefficient for the airfoil section located at arbitrary spanwise station Calculator

The lift coefficient (Cl) for an airfoil section located at an arbitrary spanwise station represents the dimensionless measure of the lift generated by that specific section of the airfoil.  Local section lift slope (a0) in per rad Effective angle of attack at the spanwise station y₀ (αeff(y₀)) in rad Zero-lift angle of attack (αL=0) in

Lift coefficient for the airfoil section located at arbitrary spanwise station Calculator Read More »

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