The equation of state calculator

In flight mechanics, the “equation of state” refers to a mathematical relationship that describes the thermodynamic state of a fluid (usually air) under specific conditions. This relationship helps to relate the fundamental properties of the fluid, such as pressure, density, temperature, and specific volume. In the context of aviation and aerodynamics, the equation of state […]

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Reference chord of the wing calculator

In flight mechanics and aeronautics, the “reference chord” of a wing refers to a specific chord length used as a standard measurement for the wing’s size and aerodynamic characteristics. The chord of a wing is the straight-line distance between the leading edge and the trailing edge of the wing, measured along the chord line. Re=Vcref/v​​

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Induced Drag in steady level flight Calculator

Induced drag is one of the two main components of drag experienced by an aircraft during steady, level flight. The other component is parasite drag. Induced drag is specifically related to the lift generated by the aircraft’s wings.  Di is the induced drag. e is the span efficiency factor, representing the effectiveness of the wing

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Velocity potential for three dimensional source Calculator

The velocity potential (ϕ) is a scalar function used to describe the flow of an irrotational, incompressible fluid. It is a fundamental concept in potential flow theory, which simplifies fluid flow analysis by assuming the absence of vorticity (no swirling or rotational motion) and incompressibility, and neglects viscosity effects.  ϕ is the velocity potential due

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Point source in a two dimensional space Calculator

A “point source” specifically represents a location in the flow field where fluid is injected or removed at a constant rate from a single point. A point source can be visualized as an imaginary or real location where fluid is introduced into the flow or extracted from it uniformly in all directions.  ϕ is the

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Pitching moment coefficient calculator

In flight mechanics and aerodynamics, the “pitching moment coefficient” (Cm or Cmα) is a dimensionless parameter that describes the aerodynamic forces and moments acting on an aircraft’s longitudinal axis (pitching axis) due to changes in its angle of attack (α). It is an important parameter used to understand an aircraft’s stability and control characteristics. Cmcg​=Mcg/(0.5*ρ*v2*s*c)​

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