Minimum thrust required calculator

In flight mechanics and aerodynamics, “minimum thrust required” refers to the amount of thrust an aircraft’s engines must generate in order to maintain a specific flight condition with the least possible excess thrust. This condition is important for optimizing the aircraft’s performance, particularly in terms of fuel efficiency and endurance. Tmin=(2*w*√Cd0*k) Tmin​: This represents the […]

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Power required in climb calculator

In flight mechanics, the “power required in climb” refers to the amount of power an aircraft’s engines need to generate in order to maintain a specific rate of climb while flying at a certain airspeed and altitude. It’s a crucial parameter for understanding an aircraft’s performance during climbing maneuvers. Prc=(Trc*v)/1000 Prc​: This likely represents the

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Vertical component of the flight velocity calculator

In flight mechanics, the “vertical component of the flight velocity” refers to the part of the aircraft’s velocity that is directed vertically, perpendicular to the Earth’s surface. This component of velocity contributes to the aircraft’s rate of climb or descent. It’s important for understanding the aircraft’s vertical motion and its interaction with gravitational and aerodynamic

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Induced angle of attack for elliptical wing Calculator

The “induced angle of attack” (𝛼i) is an aerodynamic concept that describes the additional angle of attack experienced by an aircraft’s wing due to the generation of lift. It is caused by the wing’s vortices, which are swirling masses of air that form at the wingtips when the aircraft generates lift.  𝛼i is the induced

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