Torque coefficient calculator

The torque coefficient (CQ) is a dimensionless parameter used in the analysis of propellers and rotors, particularly in aerodynamics and flight mechanics. It represents the efficiency with which a propeller or rotor converts the torque applied to it into the thrust generated. The torque coefficient is crucial in understanding the performance and efficiency of these […]

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Pressure at a specific point Calculator

The pressure at a specific point in a fluid flow depends on various factors, including the fluid’s velocity, density, and the geometry of the flow field. It helps us to determine the pressure distribution and aerodynamic behavior of different shapes and optimize designs for various applications. This equation is commonly used in aerodynamics and fluid

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Pressure coefficient for incompressible flow calculator

The coefficient of pressure (Cp) is a dimensionless quantity used in fluid dynamics and aerodynamics to describe the pressure distribution around an object, typically an airfoil or an aerodynamic body. It provides a normalized representation of the pressure at different points on the surface of the object with respect to the free-stream or ambient pressure. 

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Propeller efficiency calculator

The propeller efficiency (ηp) represents the efficiency with which a propeller converts the power input into thrust. It is a dimensionless parameter often expressed as a percentage. There are two common ways to calculate the propeller efficiency, and both are related to the advance ratio (J) and the thrust coefficient (CT) and power coefficient (CP).

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Bernoulli’s equation for total pressure Calculator

Bernoulli’s equation for total pressure, also known as the Total Energy Equation or the Stagnation Pressure Equation, is a variation of Bernoulli’s equation that accounts for the total pressure along a streamline in an incompressible, inviscid fluid flow. It is used to describe the conservation of total pressure between two points along a streamline, assuming

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Thrust coefficient calculator

The thrust coefficient (CT) is a dimensionless parameter used in the analysis of propellers and rotors, particularly in aerodynamics and flight mechanics. It describes the ratio of the thrust produced by the propeller or rotor to the dynamic pressure of the incoming air. The thrust coefficient is an essential parameter in understanding the efficiency and

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