Finding the Propulsive Efficiency

Propulsive efficiency (ηp\eta_pηp​) is a measure of how effectively a propulsion system (like a propeller, jet engine, or rocket) converts the energy in the fuel or input energy into useful forward motion of the vehicle. It compares the useful power used to move the vehicle to the total power available from the propulsion system.

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pressure ration, mass flow rate per unit area

Problem Statement: A rocket nozzle has an exit/throat area ratio of 3. The combustion gas mixture at 20 bar and 2500 K is expanded through the nozzle to an atmosphere at 1 bar.The molar mass of the gas mixture is 33.5 kg kmol−1 and 𝛾 =1.2. Assuming the flow process to be isentropic, estimate the

pressure ration, mass flow rate per unit area Read More »

To find the induced drag coefficient

The induced drag coefficient (CD,i)(C_{D,i})(CD,i​) is a dimensionless number that represents the drag due to the generation of lift by a wing or other lifting surface. It is caused by the creation of wingtip vortices and the associated downwash, which increases the effective angle of attack of the wing, reducing its ability to produce lift

To find the induced drag coefficient Read More »

Calculate Parasite Drag Coefficient for horizontal and vertical tail contribution

The drag polar of an airplane relates the drag coefficient (CDC_DCD​) to the lift coefficient (CLC_LCL​). It is expressed as: CD=CD0+kCL2C_D = C_{D0} + kC_L^2CD​=CD0​+kCL2​ Here, CD0C_{D0}CD0​ is the parasite drag coefficient, and kkk is the coefficient of induced drag. To estimate the drag polar, we need to calculate CD0C_{D0}CD0​ and kkk.  

Calculate Parasite Drag Coefficient for horizontal and vertical tail contribution Read More »

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