Pressure ratio
Problem Statement: Air from a reservoir at 10 atm and 80 ∘C is discharged through a convergent–divergent nozzle fitted to the reservoir. The thrust exerted by the jet issuing from the nozzle is 11.12 kN. If the backpressure is 1 atm, calculate the nozzle throat and exit areas and Mach number of the jet issuing
pressure ration, area formula, tempertaure, speed of sound, Read More »
Problem statement:A flow at 60 m s−1 enters a nozzle kept horizontal. The specific enthalpy at the nozzle inlet and exit is 3025 and 2790 kJ kg−1, respectively,Neglecting the heat loss from the nozzle, calculate (a) the flow velocity at the nozzle exit, (b) the mass flow rate through the nozzle, if the inlet area
Energy Equation , Mass flow Rate Read More »
problem statement: Helium gas from a storage tank at 1000 kPa and 310 K is flowing out through a convergent nozzle of exit area 3 cm2 to another tank.When the mass flow rate is 0.15 kg s−1, determine the pressure in the second tank. Solution Equations used: 2: Mach Number: 3:Pressure: 4: Isentropic Relations: Isentropic
Mass flow rate, mach number, pressure, Isentropic Relation Read More »
The equation developed by Albert Einstein, which is usually given as E = mc2, showing that, when the energy of a body changes by an amount E (no matter what form the energy takes), the mass (m) of the body will change by an amount equal to E/c2 Here are some formulas related to isentropic relations:
The speed of sound (a) is equal to the square root of the ratio of specific heats (g) times the gas constant (R) times the absolute temperature (T). The derivation of this equation is given on a separate page. Notice that the temperature must be specified on an absolute scale (Kelvin or Rankine). calculator developed by- Pawan Indalkar
speed of sound, mach number, isentropic relations Read More »