Aerodynamics Calculator

Boost your aerodynamic endeavors with the online aerodynamics calculator by ToDo Calculator. Tailored for aerospace engineers, researchers, and enthusiasts, this versatile tool facilitates a myriad of aerodynamics calculations. Leveraging the robust capabilities of ToDo Calculator, it delivers precise solutions across various parameters, from airfoil analysis to lift and moment calculations. With its intuitive interface, this calculator demystifies complex aerodynamic computations, empowering both professionals and students alike. Whether you’re crafting aircraft or delving into fluid dynamics, this resource accelerates your aerodynamics analysis, ensuring optimal performance in aerospace projects.

Deflection angle by applying the high Mach number limit Calculator

The deflection angle by applying the high Mach number limit is the angle by which the flow is turned by a shock wave or an expansion wave when the Mach number goes to infinity. In this limit, the deflection angle approaches zero, which means that the flow becomes nearly parallel to the wave.   Deflection angle […]

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Deflection angle where it is in hypersonic limit Calculator

The deflection angle is the angle by which the flow is turned by a shock wave or an expansion wave. In hypersonic limit, the deflection angle approaches zero as the Mach number goes to infinity. This means that the flow becomes nearly parallel to the wave in hypersonic limit.  Deflection angle (θ) in rad Mach number

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Ratio of temperatures behind the wave to the ahead of the wave when Mach number goes to infinity Calculator

The ratio of temperatures behind the wave to the ahead of the wave is a measure of the change in temperature that occurs when a fluid flows across a wave, such as a shock wave or an expansion wave. The temperature ratio depends on the type, strength, and orientation of the wave, as well as

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Ratio of temperatures behind the wave to the ahead of the wave Calculator

The ratio of temperatures behind the wave to the ahead of the wave is a measure of the change in temperature that occurs when a fluid flows across a wave, such as a shock wave or an expansion wave. The temperature ratio is defined as the ratio of the temperature behind the wave (T2) to

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Ratio of density behind the wave to the density ahead of the wave Calculator

The ratio of density behind the wave to the density ahead of the wave is a measure of the change in density that occurs when a fluid flows across a wave, such as a shock wave or an expansion wave. The density ratio is defined as the ratio of the density behind the wave (ρ2)

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Pressure ratio across the wave when Mach number goes to infinity Calculator

The pressure ratio across the wave (p2/p1) is a measure of the change in pressure that occurs when a fluid flows across a wave, such as a shock wave or an expansion wave. The pressure ratio is defined as the ratio of the pressure behind the wave (p2) to the pressure ahead of the wave

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Lift coefficient for thin flat plate Calculator

The lift coefficient for a thin flat plate is a dimensionless quantity that measures the lift force per unit area and per unit dynamic pressure acting on the plate. The lift force is the component of the aerodynamic force that is perpendicular to the direction of the flow.  Normal force coefficient (cn) Pressure coefficient for

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