Aerodynamics Calculator

Boost your aerodynamic endeavors with the online aerodynamics calculator by ToDo Calculator. Tailored for aerospace engineers, researchers, and enthusiasts, this versatile tool facilitates a myriad of aerodynamics calculations. Leveraging the robust capabilities of ToDo Calculator, it delivers precise solutions across various parameters, from airfoil analysis to lift and moment calculations. With its intuitive interface, this calculator demystifies complex aerodynamic computations, empowering both professionals and students alike. Whether you’re crafting aircraft or delving into fluid dynamics, this resource accelerates your aerodynamics analysis, ensuring optimal performance in aerospace projects.

Coefficient of lift to drag ratio Calculator

The coefficient of lift-to-drag ratio, often denoted as cl/cd​, is a dimensionless parameter used in aerodynamics to assess the efficiency of an airfoil, wing, or aircraft. It represents the ratio of the coefficient of lift (cl) to the coefficient of drag (cd​) and provides insights into how effectively an aircraft generates lift relative to the […]

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Total lift coefficient for small angle of attack Calculator

The total lift coefficient (CL) is a measure of the total lift or upward force generated by an object in a fluid environment, such as air or water. It is composed of two main components: the section lift coefficient (cl) and the induced lift coefficient (cli). The section lift coefficient is the lift per unit

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Total drag coefficient for small angle of attack Calculator

The total drag coefficient for a small angle of attack (Cd​) refers to the drag coefficient of an airfoil or aircraft when it is operating at a small angle of attack (α) with respect to the oncoming airflow. In this context, “small angle of attack” typically means that α is sufficiently small so that the

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Wave-drag coefficient with respect to angle Calculator

The wave-drag coefficient is a dimensionless quantity that measures the drag due to shock waves on a body moving at supersonic or hypersonic speeds. It is defined as the ratio of the wave drag force to the dynamic pressure times the reference area of the body. The wave-drag coefficient depends on the shape, size, and

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Lift to drag ratio for inviscid supersonic or hypersonic flow over a flat plate Calculator

The lift-to-drag ratio is a measure of the aerodynamic efficiency of a lifting body. It is defined as the ratio of the lift force to the drag force acting on the body. The higher the lift-to-drag ratio, the less drag the body experiences for a given amount of lift. For inviscid supersonic or hypersonic flow

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Drag coefficient with angle of attack Calculator

The drag coefficient with normal force coefficient is a formula that relates the drag force acting on a body in a fluid flow to the normal force coefficient and the angle of attack of the body. The normal force coefficient is a dimensionless quantity that measures the normal force acting on the body per unit

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Drag coefficient with normal force coefficient Calculator

The drag coefficient with normal force coefficient is a formula that relates the drag force acting on a body in a fluid flow to the normal force coefficient and the angle of attack of the body. The normal force coefficient is a dimensionless quantity that measures the normal force acting on the body per unit

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Lift coefficient with normal force coefficient Calculator

The lift coefficient with angle of attack is a dimensionless quantity that measures the ratio of the lift force acting on a body to the dynamic pressure of the fluid flow and the reference area of the body. The lift coefficient depends on the angle of attack, which is the angle between the free-stream velocity

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