Aerodynamics Calculator

Boost your aerodynamic endeavors with the online aerodynamics calculator by ToDo Calculator. Tailored for aerospace engineers, researchers, and enthusiasts, this versatile tool facilitates a myriad of aerodynamics calculations. Leveraging the robust capabilities of ToDo Calculator, it delivers precise solutions across various parameters, from airfoil analysis to lift and moment calculations. With its intuitive interface, this calculator demystifies complex aerodynamic computations, empowering both professionals and students alike. Whether you’re crafting aircraft or delving into fluid dynamics, this resource accelerates your aerodynamics analysis, ensuring optimal performance in aerospace projects.

Normal force coefficient for a flat plate with chord length Calculator

The normal force coefficient for a flat plate (cn) is a dimensionless quantity that measures the ratio of the normal force acting on the plate to the dynamic pressure of the fluid flow. The normal force is the component of the aerodynamic force that is perpendicular to the plate surface, and the dynamic pressure is […]

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Normal force coefficient for a flat plate Calculator

The normal force coefficient for a flat plate (cn) is a dimensionless quantity that measures the ratio of the normal force acting on the plate to the dynamic pressure of the fluid flow. The normal force is the component of the aerodynamic force that is perpendicular to the plate surface, and the dynamic pressure is

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Pressure coefficient on the lower surface Calculator

The pressure coefficient on the lower surface (Cp,l) is a dimensionless quantity that measures the relative pressure difference between a point on the lower surface of a body and the free-stream pressure in a fluid flow field. The pressure coefficient on the lower surface can be used to calculate the aerodynamic forces and moments acting

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Maximum pressure coefficient Calculator

The maximum pressure coefficient (Cp,max) is a dimensionless quantity that measures the highest relative pressure difference between a point on the surface of a body and the free-stream pressure in a fluid flow field. The maximum pressure coefficient can be used to calculate the aerodynamic forces and moments acting on a body in various flow

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Pressure coefficient for hypersonic flow across a normal shock wave Calculator

The pressure coefficient for hypersonic flow across a normal shock wave is a dimensionless quantity that measures the relative change in pressure due to the shock wave. The pressure coefficient for hypersonic flow across a normal shock wave depends on the Mach number and the ratio of specific heats of the fluid. Pressure coefficient (Cp)

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Pressure difference on the surface Calculator

Pressure difference on the surface is the difference in pressure between two points on a surface that forms the boundary between two fluid regions. The pressure difference can be caused by various factors, such as the curvature of the surface, the surface tension of the interface, the density and viscosity of the fluids, and the

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Modified Newtonian theory Calculator

Modified Newton’s sine-squared law is a formula that improves the accuracy of Newton’s sine-square law of air resistance for predicting the aerodynamic forces on a body moving in a fluid. The modified law accounts for the effects of the body shape and the flow separation by introducing a correction factor called the Newtonian pressure coefficient.  

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Modified Newton’s sine-squared law Calculator

Modified Newton’s sine-squared law is a formula that improves the accuracy of Newton’s sine-square law of air resistance for predicting the aerodynamic forces on a body moving in a fluid. The modified law accounts for the effects of the body shape and the flow separation by introducing a correction factor called the Newtonian pressure coefficient. 

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Newtonian theory Calculator

The Newtonian theory, often referred to as Newtonian physics or classical mechanics, is a fundamental framework in physics developed by Sir Isaac Newton in the late 17th century. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the behavior of objects in motion and is considered one of the cornerstones of physics.  Pressure coefficient (Cp) Angle between a

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