Aerodynamics Calculator

Boost your aerodynamic endeavors with the online aerodynamics calculator by ToDo Calculator. Tailored for aerospace engineers, researchers, and enthusiasts, this versatile tool facilitates a myriad of aerodynamics calculations. Leveraging the robust capabilities of ToDo Calculator, it delivers precise solutions across various parameters, from airfoil analysis to lift and moment calculations. With its intuitive interface, this calculator demystifies complex aerodynamic computations, empowering both professionals and students alike. Whether you’re crafting aircraft or delving into fluid dynamics, this resource accelerates your aerodynamics analysis, ensuring optimal performance in aerospace projects.

Lift to drag ratio of the airfoil Calculator

The lift-to-drag ratio, often denoted as L/D, is a fundamental parameter in aerodynamics that quantifies the efficiency of an airfoil, wing, or aircraft in generating lift (the upward force) compared to the amount of drag (the resistive force) it produces. It is a critical metric used to assess the performance and efficiency of an aircraft […]

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Total drag coefficient for the supersonic airfoil Calculator

The total drag coefficient for a supersonic airfoil represents the sum of two main components of drag: pressure drag (also known as wave drag) represented by cd​ and skin friction drag represented by Cf​. This is a common concept in aerodynamics and is used to evaluate the overall drag characteristics of an airfoil operating at

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Sutherland’s law for the temperature variation of viscosity coefficient Calculator

Sutherland’s law is a mathematical relationship that describes the temperature variation of the dynamic viscosity (viscosity coefficient) of a gas as a function of temperature. This law is particularly applicable to monatomic and diatomic gases over a limited temperature range. Sutherland’s law is used to estimate the viscosity of a gas at temperatures different from

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The slope of left running Mach wave characteristic between points two and three Calculator

The slope of a left-running Mach wave characteristic between points two and three represents the rate of change in the Mach number (M) per unit change in position (typically distance) along the characteristic path from point two to point three. This slope describes how the Mach number varies as one moves along the path of

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The slope of right running Mach wave characteristic between points one and three Calculator

The slope of a right-running Mach wave characteristic between points one and three refers to the rate at which the Mach number (M) changes as one moves along a characteristic associated with a right-running Mach wave from point one to point three within a flow field.  The slope of right running Mach wave characteristic between

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Constant along a given right running Mach wave for the internal grid point five Calculator

Constant along a given right-running Mach wave for the internal grid point five refers to a specific parameter or property that remains unchanged as a right-running Mach wave propagates through the flow field and interacts with the conditions at the internal grid point labeled as five.  Constant along a given right running Mach wave for

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Constant along a given right running Mach wave for the internal grid point four Calculator

Constant along a given right-running Mach wave for the internal grid point four refers to a specific parameter or property that remains unchanged as a right-running Mach wave propagates through the flow field and interacts with the conditions at the internal grid point labeled as four.  NOTE: Along the C− characteristic, K− is constant. Hence,

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Prandtl-Meyer function for internal grid point three Calculator

The Prandtl-Meyer function (ν) for internal grid point three represents a mathematical function that relates the Mach number (M) of the flow at that specific grid point to the associated turning angle (ν) in radians. The Prandtl-Meyer function ν is important in the analysis of compressible flow, particularly in supersonic and hypersonic flows. It helps

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Prandtl-Meyer flow angle for internal grid point three Calculator

The Prandtl-Meyer flow angle (θ) at internal grid point three represents the angle at which the flow direction deviates from the local direction of the streamlines at that specific point within a computational grid. This flow angle is measured in radians. The Prandtl-Meyer flow angle is a critical parameter in the analysis of compressible flows,

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Constant along a given left running Mach wave for the internal grid point three Calculator

Constant along a given left-running Mach wave for the internal grid point three” refers to a specific property or parameter that remains constant as a left-running Mach wave propagates through the flow field and interacts with the conditions at the internal grid point labeled as three.  Constant along a given left running Mach wave for

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