Aerodynamics Calculator

Boost your aerodynamic endeavors with the online aerodynamics calculator by ToDo Calculator. Tailored for aerospace engineers, researchers, and enthusiasts, this versatile tool facilitates a myriad of aerodynamics calculations. Leveraging the robust capabilities of ToDo Calculator, it delivers precise solutions across various parameters, from airfoil analysis to lift and moment calculations. With its intuitive interface, this calculator demystifies complex aerodynamic computations, empowering both professionals and students alike. Whether you’re crafting aircraft or delving into fluid dynamics, this resource accelerates your aerodynamics analysis, ensuring optimal performance in aerospace projects.

Characteristic Mach number Calculator

The characteristic Mach number, often denoted as M*, is a dimensionless parameter used in fluid dynamics to describe the behavior of compressible flows, particularly when analyzing the effects of compressibility on fluid properties. The characteristic Mach number, M*, is used to determine the degree of compressibility effects in a fluid flow.  Characteristic Mach number (M*) […]

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Speed of sound under isothermal conditions Calculator

The speed of sound under isothermal conditions, often denoted as aT​, refers to the rate at which pressure waves or disturbances propagate through a medium when the temperature of the medium remains constant. In other words, it’s the speed at which sound travels through a substance while experiencing no temperature change.    aT​ is the

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Isothermal compressibility Calculator

The isothermal compressibility (τT) is a thermodynamic property that measures how much the volume of a substance changes in response to a change in pressure while maintaining temperature constant. It’s important to note that the isothermal compressibility is usually not a constant value for most substances; it can vary with different conditions and depends on

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Constant for an isentropic process Calculator

It is the relationship between a constant (c1​), specific volume (v), pressure (p), and the specific heat ratio (γ). Express a relationship between properties of a gas, possibly in a specific scenario or under certain assumptions. The specific heat ratio (γ) plays a role in determining the behavior of the gas.  c1​ is a constant.

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Specific volume Calculator

It is an inverse relationship between specific volume and pressure, where specific volume decreases as pressure increases. The specific heat ratio (γ) typically indicates the behavior of the gas, relating to how its temperature changes as pressure changes. It represents a relationship between specific volume (v), pressure (p), and a constant (c1​) involving the specific

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Equation of state for an ideal gas under isentropic process Calculator

It is the equation of state for an ideal gas under certain assumptions. The equation of state describes how the thermodynamic properties of a substance (in this case, an ideal gas) relate to each other. It represents a relationship between pressure (p), specific volume (v), and a constant (c) raised to the power of the

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Kinetic energy correction factor Calculator

The kinetic energy correction factor is a term used in fluid dynamics to adjust for the kinetic energy of a fluid flow in relation to its internal energy. This correction factor is often applied in compressible flow analyses, where the speed of the fluid is significant compared to the speed of sound. It accounts for

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Ratio of kinetic energy to internal energy Calculator

The ratio of kinetic energy to internal energy refers to the relative magnitudes of the kinetic energy and internal energy within a substance, typically a fluid like a gas. Kinetic energy and internal energy are both forms of energy associated with the motion and molecular activity of particles within the substance.  V is the velocity

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Isentropic Compressibility for compressibility of gas Calculator

Isentropic compressibility (τs) is a thermodynamic property that quantifies how a substance’s volume changes in response to a change in pressure while maintaining entropy constant. In other words, it measures the relative change in volume per unit change in pressure under isentropic conditions.  Density (ρ)  Speed of sound (a)

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