Propulsion Calculator

Prandtl-Glauert transformation Calculator

The Prandtl-Glauert transformation, also known as the compressibility correction, is used to correct the lift and drag coefficients calculated for an incompressible flow to account for the effects of compressibility at high speeds. It’s expressed as: ​ Where: CLα​ is the lift coefficient corrected for compressibility effects. CL0​ is the lift coefficient at a specific

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Lift augmentation calculator

Lift augmentation refers to the increase in lift generated by an aircraft beyond its baseline or nominal lift characteristics. This increase in lift can be achieved through various means such as deploying flaps, slats, leading-edge devices, or other aerodynamic modifications. Where: ΔCL​ is the lift augmentation factor (dimensionless). S add-on​ is the added-on lifting surface

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