Propulsion Calculator

Thermal management Calculator

Thermal management refers to the strategies, techniques, and technologies used to control the temperature within systems, devices, or environments to ensure optimal performance, safety, and reliability. Where: Q is the rate of heat transfer (in watts or BTUs per hour). U is the overall heat transfer coefficient (in watts per square meter per degree Celsius

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Heat transfer analysis calculator

Heat transfer analysis is the study and quantification of the exchange of thermal energy between systems or components within a system. It involves understanding how heat is transferred from one object or medium to another due to temperature differences. A common formula used in heat transfer analysis, particularly for steady-state conduction through a material with

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Radiative cooling Calculator

Radiative cooling is a process by which a material cools down by emitting thermal radiation. This phenomenon occurs when an object loses heat by emitting infrared radiation to its surroundings, typically to outer space. Where: P is the power radiated per unit area (in watts per square meter). σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.67×10−85.67×10−8 W

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Pump cavitation calculator

The formula to calculate cavitation in a pump typically involves the Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) available and the NPSH required. Cavitation occurs when the NPSH available is less than the NPSH required. The formula can be represented as: Where: NPSHavailable​ is the Net Positive Suction Head available. NPSHrequired​ is the Net Positive Suction Head

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Feed system pressure drop Calculator

Feed system pressure drop Calculator calculates the feed system pressure drop depends on various factors such as flow rate, pipe length, pipe diameter, fluid properties, and any additional components like valves or fittings. However, a commonly used formula for pressure drop in a pipe due to friction is the Darcy-Weisbach equation: Where: ΔP is the

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Thrust chamber pressure calculator

Thrust chamber pressure refers to the internal pressure within the combustion chamber of a rocket engine during operation. It is the pressure generated by the combustion of propellant inside the engine. This pressure is crucial for the propulsion system as it drives the expulsion of exhaust gases through the engine nozzle, producing the thrust necessary

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