Rolling Moment (Lβ): The rolling moment is the rotational force or torque that tends to roll or rotate the aircraft about its longitudinal (roll) axis. Lβ represents this rolling moment due to changes in the sideslip angle (β).
- Lβ: This represents the rolling moment due to sideslip. It quantifies the rotational force or moment around the aircraft’s longitudinal (roll) axis resulting from changes in the sideslip angle (β).
- Q: This term represents the dynamic pressure of the air. It is given by Q = 0.5 * ρ * V^2, where ρ is the air density and V is the true airspeed of the aircraft. Dynamic pressure is a measure of the kinetic energy of the air due to the aircraft’s motion through it.
- Sb: Typically, this represents the vertical tail’s side area. It is a measure of the effective area of the vertical tail that interacts with the sideslip airflow. It is typically measured in square meters (m²).
- C’lβ’: This is an aerodynamic coefficient related to the change in rolling moment (L) with respect to the sideslip angle (β). The prime symbol (‘) may indicate that it’s a derivative or a modified coefficient. It quantifies how the aircraft’s rolling moment changes as the sideslip angle changes. It is dimensionless.
- Ixx: This represents the moment of inertia of the aircraft about the roll axis (the rolling moment of inertia). It quantifies the aircraft’s resistance to rolling motion and is typically measured in kilograms square meters (kg·m²).