The total pitching moment coefficient c alculator

The total pitching moment coefficient (Cm) in flight mechanics is a dimensionless aerodynamic coefficient that describes the pitching moment or rotational force around the aircraft’s center of gravity (CG). It is a critical parameter in understanding the stability and control characteristics of an aircraft, particularly with regard to its longitudinal or pitch stability.
  • Cmcgf: This is the total pitching moment coefficient of an aircraft during flight.
  • Cmof: This term represents the pitching moment coefficient due to other factors or effects not related to the angle of attack (α). These could include contributions from control surfaces, body shape, and other non-angle-of-attack factors.
  • Cmαf: This term represents the change in the pitching moment coefficient with respect to the angle of attack (α). It quantifies how the aircraft’s pitching moment changes as you change the angle of attack.
  • α: This represents the angle of attack, which is the angle between the oncoming air and the chord line of an airfoil (like a wing or stabilizer). It’s a critical parameter in aerodynamics as it affects lift and other aerodynamic forces.

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