Yawing Moment (CYrv): The yawing moment refers to the rotational force around the vertical axis of an aircraft that tends to cause the aircraft to yaw, or turn, about this axis. Yawing is the motion of the aircraft where its nose moves from side to side. The yawing moment is a crucial parameter in determining the stability and controllability of an aircraft, particularly during yawing maneuvers or in response to disturbances
- CYrv is the contribution to the yawing moment due to the rate of yaw (r) and sideslip angle (β).
- The term (2/b) represents the scaling factor, where “b” is the wingspan of the aircraft.
- lv is the lever arm from the CG to the centerline of the vertical tail. It indicates the moment arm for the yawing moment.
- α (alpha) is the angle of attack, which represents the angle between the aircraft’s longitudinal axis and the oncoming airflow.
- Zv is the height of the vertical tail, which also affects the moment arm.
- CYβv is the yawing moment due to sideslip angle (β) coefficient, which quantifies how the sideslip angle affects the yawing moment.
- V is the true airspeed of the aircraft, which affects the magnitude of the yawing moment due to the rate of yaw and sideslipangle